Call for Proposals: ICQE25
October 11-16, 2025, Mexico City, Mexico
Due June 1 |
Papers (optional early submission) Papers Posters Symposia Tutorials and Workshops Doctoral Consortium Research Agenda Development (RADs) |
All submissions are due by 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
Deadlines will not be extended.
The Seventh International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE25) aims to establish an international platform for researchers and practitioners to showcase their work bridging the divide between qualitative and quantitative methods. The conference seeks to explore innovative methodological techniques, facilitate networking among scholars, and contribute to the dynamic and transdisciplinary field of quantitative ethnography (QE).
We encourage work from any discipline, which can include (but is not limited to):
- Innovative approaches to QE, such as network analysis, automated coding, and methods aimed at promoting fairness and validity in quantitative ethnographic analyses.
- Studies of the relationship between different techniques or methods for conducting QE analyses
- Extension of QE techniques to new types of data, fields of study, or research questions
- Presentation of empirical QE findings, whether in their preliminary, exploratory, or confirmatory stages.
- Investigating theoretical issues in QE or reexamination of existing theoretical frameworks
- Demonstrating QE tools (defined loosely) and sharing work on their application in empirical research
Criteria for submission evaluation and acceptance is the degree to which the work is theoretically and methodologically thoughtful, helps build the QE community by sharing ideas, methods, or resources, and provides inspiration for new investigations. The goal of the conference is to promote intellectual exchange, provide mentoring and support for junior researchers, build capacity for diverse leadership and participation in the QE community, and facilitate collaboration across disciplines and geographic contexts.
Submission Information
ICQE25 will accept the following types of submissions:
Papers (12-15 pages): Papers are intended for mature work that requires in-depth explanations of conceptual background, methodology, data, argumentation, and/or findings. Accepted papers will be published by Springer in the official proceedings.
Doctoral Consortium Applications (6 pages): To apply for the Doctoral Consortium, please click here for detailed instructions. If extra time is needed to secure travel visas or other needs, please contact the conference chairs. Financial support will be provided for accepted candidates. Doctoral Consortium research summaries will be published in the proceedings supplement.
Posters (4 pages): Posters are intended for formative work. The four-page poster abstract should identify the aspects of the work that will likely lead to productive discussions with conference participants in a poster session, including figures exemplifying the visual support to be provided for these discussions in the poster. Poster abstracts will be published by the International Society for Quantitative Ethnography (ISQE) in the proceedings supplement.
Symposia (8 pages total): Symposia consisting of 3-6 scholars are intended for conveying larger ideas or findings about a specific issue in QE. Symposium proposals will be evaluated based on their capacity to address larger topics, controversies, or challenges of interest to the QE community. Symposium proposals should clearly articulate: (a) the overall focus of the symposium; (b) brief descriptions of the content and significance of each scholar’s contribution; and (c) how the collective contributions will enhance understanding of some larger issue in the QE community. Symposium descriptions will be published in the proceedings supplement.
Tutorials and Workshops (4 pages): Two-hour long workshops are intended to help participants learn or improve QE theories, methods, or skills, and may also be structured as tutorials on particular QE tools or techniques. Workshop proposals will be evaluated based on their capacity to facilitate shared knowledge-building around issues of interest to the QE community. Workshop proposals should clearly articulate: (a) the overall focus of the workshop and why it will benefit members of the QE community; (b) the target audience for the workshop; (c) the schedule of activities accompanied by a brief description of each activity; and (d) the expected outcomes of the workshop, including any deliverables or follow-up activities that extend beyond the conference itself. Workshop descriptions will be published in the proceedings supplement.
Research Agenda Development (2 pages): Research Agenda Development proposals (RADs) are intended for scholars who have ideas for potential QE studies. This track is open to scholars and researchers at all levels. Some examples include: undergraduate or graduate students proposing their first QE study, faculty members trying to incorporate QE into their broader research agendas, or researchers looking for partners to experiment with QE methods in a new area. The two-page abstract should identify ideas and concepts for future QE studies that will lead to productive discussions with other conference participants in a discussion-based session. During the discussion-based session, accepted participants will be matched with veteran QE scholars to support their developing research ideas. RAD abstracts will be published by the International Society for Quantitative Ethnography (ISQE) in the proceedings supplement.
Submission Instructions
- All submissions should be written in English or in Spanish and must conform to the current version of the Springer author guidelines and paper templates.
- Review of paper and poster submissions will be double anonymized. Paper and poster abstracts must be submitted with all identifying information about the author(s) removed.
- Review of symposia, tutorials and workshops, doctoral consortium, and RAD proposals will be single anonymized. These proposals should be submitted with all author(s) names included.
Pre-Conference Workshops
Attendance at workshops is complimentary for registered participants of the conference. Additional information about conference registration and workshops will be available on the conference website.
Submission Review and Notification
Submissions must follow the formatting and content instructions of their respective submission category.
Authors of submitted papers, poster abstracts, and symposia must agree to review at least two submissions. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the QE community and review of individual submissions will be overseen by a member of the Program Committee.
Papers may be accepted as-is, accepted with suggestions for revisions, accepted as posters (in which case the authors will need to prepare a 4-page poster abstract), or rejected. Poster, symposium, tutorial/workshop, and doctoral consortium proposals will be accepted as-is or rejected. All authors, regardless of submission type, will have the option to make edits before submission of the final version.
Accepted papers will be published in the official proceedings. Poster abstracts, symposium/workshop descriptions, doctoral consortium research summaries, and RAD proposals will be published in the proceedings supplement. Publication of an accepted paper in the proceedings or supplemental proceedings requires that at least one author of the paper registers for and participates in the conference.
For more information, please visit qesoc.org/icqe25 or contact us at icqeconf@gmail.com